Monday, January 30, 2012

Obsessive Monday - Suitcase Display

So last week I told you about Green Table Gifts, the shop I'm going to sell my jewelry in.  This week has been all about finalizing my display.

Patty, the owner, had a brilliant idea of putting some of the jewelry in vintage displays. So I went home and searched my favorite reference site, Pinterest. This was what I found...Sweet and pretty!

After seeing samples of my work, she picked out a red suitcase for me to use.  I hadn't thought about red before, my colors are black and pink and I had already designed new business cards and tags. I always thought that turquoise and red looked pretty together and the turquoise was the perfect color to make it all work.


I'm really pleased with how it turned out.
I'm so excited for this new endevour!



  1. Renee your display looks fantastic! Love the red suitcase. Red and turquoise is one of my fab color combos.

  2. Thank You Kristen, I'm really happy with it!! Hope all is well with you! <3

  3. LOVE it! Did you have to redo any of the suitcase lining, or did it already come that way?
