Monday, October 3, 2011

Obsessive Monday - Wreaths

So this weekend I made something a little different.  In case you haven't noticed, burlap is hot, hot, HOT!!  So I decided to follow all of the "trendy" people and jump on the burlap bandwagon.
I found this burlap wreath on Pinterest 
and made my own version!
I'm quite pleased with how it turned out.  I now just need to figure out where to hang it :)
Here are some other pretty wreaths I found...
Via Remember Me? I'm In The Army Too

Via Days of Chalk and Chocolate

Via Etsy
Via Kelly Hicks Design and Photography
Via Etsy
Via Everything Fabulous
   Have a fantastic week!!



  1. Very cool wreaths!!! Very imaginative and love the different colors and materials!!

  2. Wow, yours is better than the pic that inspired you! Love it!

  3. I love it! Can you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give a tutorial on how you made it?? :)

  4. Thank you all!!

    Recently, I'll get to work on that, thank you for asking!!

    <3 Renee'
