I feel like I've learned a lot this year, or maybe I'm just more aware of what I've learned. So here are the top 10 things I've learned in 2011.
7. I feel a heck of a lot better when I'm not eating so much sugar.
6. I need to be passionate about giving back.
5. Maybe I do want to go to Africa on a missions trip.
4. Don't judge people by their appearance, get to know their heart!
3. Just because the number of your age changes doesn't mean you have too :)
2. My life is extremely blessed!
2. I'm really enjoying my teenagers!
2. I have an amazing husband!!
2. It's still not all about me!!
And the number one thing I've learned this year is...
1. God is always in control, even when it seems hopeless He is always faithful!
I know, I know, many of them are twos...I wasn't able to put any of them more important than the other!
Happy New Years from my Family to Yours
Now, instead of resolutions for the new year, I'm going to do my best to apply what I learned in 2011 to 2012. I won't make it to Africa (this year) but I will be sending my daughter in my place!!
What have you learned this year to make you a better person??